Sunday, April 3, 2011

Photo Shoot Snacks

Everyone has a favourite snack on their camera bag. Nuts, trail mix, and cereal bars are probably the most common ones out there. They are nutritious and easy to carry, perfect combination, isn't it?

But I am sure that each of us have a snack that is not all that easy to carry, but that you love so much that you find a way to bring it along. At least I do have mine! 

Since I was a child I have loved tomatoes. For me, they are juicily refreshing while adding that saltness that you crave from snacks. The problem starts right there, tomatoes are juicy and get squeezed in bags making a big mess. So, in order to carry my tomato in my camera bag, I have one of the compartment that normally holds a lenses reserved for it. But I still place the tomato in a plastic bag just in case. 

The biggest problem is still how to transport the salt. I have tried putting on a separate small zip lock bag. I guess I would have lots of explaining to do in case I get pulled over.  The solution so far is to place the salt together on the plastic bag with the tomato, but then it melts making the outside of the tomato too salty and the inside not salty enough. What a dilemma! J

I am sure that you are thinking that there is a very simple answer for my problem, for example, I could carry the restaurant type of sachets and apply the salt at the moment of consumption. Nothing is that simple in Switzerland! The salt sachets are not very common at restaurants let alone in grocery stores and asking someone to bring it from overseas is just asking for trouble! Maybe someone needs to invent a tomato holder with a separate salt container like those plastic banana ones. hahaha

While I keep on my quest on how to perfectly transport a tomato, what about you? Do you have a favourite snack that you carry for photo shoots?

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